After observing Virtual Book Boxes on a couple of sites here's how I've decided to run this one:
- everyone who wants to participate volunteers two books. these need to be books you believe others would like to read, not rubbish you want to get rid of.
- I compile a list of all available books and a (randomly ordered) list of all participants. these lists are available on this site at all times.
- the first participant gets to select as many books as they want from the box, BUT they must volunteer a book of their own for every book they take.
- When a book is selected I will notify the current owner of the book. It will then be left to the recipient to supply their address to anyone due to send them a book.
- if a book stays on the available list for more than two 'rounds' the person who volunteers it will be asked to offer an alternative selection.
- mid-series or end-of-series books are allowed in the VBB, but please limit yourself to offering only one such book at any time.
so after the first two books (which are necessary to provide a decent choice, a box made up of my AVLs wouldn't appeal to many people) nobody has to send out a book if they haven't already requested one.
to join in you will need to have been a bookcrossing member for at least three months, and to have "wild released" at least ten books. this condition may be waived at my discretion.
If you'd like to participte please contact me via bookcrossing PM
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